
Download the programme for the XVIth International Congress of Celtic Studies

Monday 22 July

10–11am Opening Ceremony (PL5)

11:30am–12:10pm Plenary Lecture 1 (PL5): Professor Ailbhe Ó Corráin

2–3:30pm Sessions 1–12

Session 1: Ystafell 1
Llenyddiaeth Gymraeg Fodern

Chair: Gareth Evans-Jones

Theodore Robin Chapman

‘Pwy ddarllen dy ddifendith rith eiriau?’: adnabod cynefin y nofel Gymraeg, 1865-95

Gerwyn Wiliams

Y Frenhiniaeth, yr Orsedd a ‘Phroblem Gogledd Cymru’, 1939-46

Jason Walford Davies

Ailymweld â 'Cherdd Fach Seml' Waldo Williams

Session 2: Ystafell 2
Studies on the Táin Bó Cúailnge

Chair: Eliott Lash

Dhanya Baird

A comparison of the role of foster-brothers in Recensions 1 and 2 of Táin Bó Cúailnge

Aaron Griffith

Emending without changing: a case study of a problematic passage from the Táin Bó Cúailnge

Garrett Olmsted

The Táin and the Enūma Eliš

Session 3: Ystafell 3
Gramadegau Barddol a'r llawysgrifau / Bardic Grammars and the manuscripts

Chair: Bryn Jones

Gruffudd Antur

‘Herwydd llyfr Davydd Ddu Athraw’: goleuni newydd ar ramadegwr cynnar
‘Herwydd llyfr Davydd Ddu Athraw’: new light on a fourteenth-century Welsh grammarian

Michaela Jacques

Copïau darniog o 'Gramadegau’r Penceirddiaid'
Fragmentary copies of the Bardic Grammars

Myriah Williams

Reading the (orthographic) signs: abbreviations in the Black Book of Carmarthen and the Black Book of Chirk

Session 4: Ystafell 4
Old Irish and Celtic linguistics

Chair: Bernhard Bauer

Cormac Anderson

Hiatus vowels in Old Irish

Joseph Eska

Cartography and Continental Celtic

Elisa Roma

Valency Patterns of Old Irish verbs

Session 5: Ystafell 5
Linguistic studies of literary works, Manx and Welsh

Chair: Oliver Currie

Christopher Lewin

The Manx Bible translation as a source for linguistic features and variation in vernacular eighteenth-century Manx

George Broderick

The Manx Bible transcripts and their linguistic revelations

Júda Ronén

Dyna fy mywyd: text-linguistic analysis of autobiographical anecdotes

Session 6: Ystafell 6
The Power of Words 1: narrative and verbal power

Chair: Jacqueline Borsje

Maxim Fomin

'He shook me off his back and that is why I am here tonight': disfigurement in one eye as a means of telling the truth in Irish folktales

Geert Van Iersel

Perceval in the modern age: the Parzival of Emiel Vandevelde

Session 7: Ystafell 7
Newly discovered poems in Welsh and Irish on the life of Odoardo Farnese (1573–1626), cardinal protector of the Venerable English College, Rome, 1626

Chair: Helen Fulton

Contributors: Maurice Whitehead; Geraint Evans; Mícheál MacCraith

Session 8: Ystafell 8
Suicide, death and burial in medieval Irish literature

Chair: Kristen Mills

Helen Imhoff

Burial in medieval Irish literature

Kicki Ingridsdotter

Suicidal ideation and death-wishes in Early Irish literature

Session 9: Ystafell 9
Latin in Celtic and Gaelic in English

Chair: Marged Haycock

Joseph Flahive

Treginae apud Vrlas Celticas Latinitatis: How many miles to Paris?

Anthony Harvey

Manx Latin: a further distinctive of the island?

Katrin Thier

The story of ‘Gaelic’ in English: news from the Oxford English Dictionary

Session 10: Ystafell 10
Terminoleg: Cymraeg a Chernyweg / Terminology in Welsh and Cornish

Chair: Robat Trefor

Tegau Andrews

Sylfeini modern safoni termau y byd addysg cyfrwng Cymraeg
Modern foundations of terminology standardization in Welsh-medium education

Delyth Prys

Addasu arf rheoli terminoleg Cymraeg ar gyfer datblygu geiriadur Cernyweg Adapting a Welsh terminology management tool to develop a Cornish dictionary

Session 11: Ystafell 11
From print to pixels: current work at the Royal Commission on the Ancient and Historical Monuments of Wales

Chair: Scott Lloyd

Contributors: Adam N. Coward, Rita Singer, James January-McCann

Session 12: Ystafell 12
Irish and Gaelic folklore, and the role of women

Chair: Angharad Price

Roxanne Reddington-Wilde

Gach bean bhon tàinig mi: highland women's roles and social identities in the Early Modern era and beyond

Nina Zhivlova

Saint Patrick and the baptism of the sons of Amalgaid

Courtney Selvage

Bhí sé an-fhurast fearg a chur air: Colm Cille’s short temper in Irish and Gaelic folklore

4–5:30pm Sessions 13–24

Session 13: Ystafell 1
Oral histories and the Irish language in Greater Boston: forming a digital archive

Chair: Dhanya Baird

Contributors: Brian Frykenberg, Natasha Sumner, Gregory Darwin

Session 14: Ystafell 2
Folk music and poetry: performance and society / Cerddoriaeth werin a barddoniaeth: perfformio a chymuned

Chair: Stephen Rees

Irfan Rais

Hunaniaeth Gymreig a Gwyddelig yng ngherddoriaeth werin Bangor: y mudiad cerddorol rhwng Bangor a Baile Uí Bheacháin

Michael Walsh

Once we were Celts? The simple system transverse wooden flute and identity constructions in the contemporary Asturian folk scene

Judith Musker Turner

Cyffwrdd â cherddi: gwybyddiaeth ymgorfforol a’r broses o farddoni
Touching poems: embodied cognition and the process of writing poetry

Session 15: Ystafell 3
Llên Gymraeg ganoloesol... / Medieval Welsh literature...

Chair: Michaela Jacques

Bryn Jones

'Rann gyreifyeint'? Rhufain a'r babaeth yng nghanu'r Gogynfeirdd

Frederick Suppe

'English' and 'Irish' Welshmen: a comparative analysis of the ethnic nicknames 'Sais' and 'Gwyddel' in Wales, 1050 -1450

Session 16: Ystafell 4
Chronologicon Hibernicum

Chair: Cormac Anderson

Bernhard Bauer

How to tag an Old Irish word

Elliott Lash

Oblique subjects with adverbial predicates in Old Irish

Fangzhe Qiu

Diachronic variations of passive and deponent verbal forms in Old Irish: a quantitative survey

Session 17: Ystafell 5
Cymru a'r Amerig / Wales and the Americas

Chair: T. Robin Chapman

Celeste L. Andrews

Welsh Families in the Quaker Community of Early Pennsylvania

Gareth Hugh Evans-Jones

‘I ddwyn y gaethglud fawr yn rhydd’: Cysyniadau Beiblaidd a Diddymiaeth y Cymry Americanaidd

Tudur Hallam

‘Yng nghysgod yr Anglo': profiadau trawsatlantig llenyddiaeth Gymraeg a Latino

Session 18: Ystafell 6
Seintiau a diwinyddiaeth / Saints and theology

Chair: Joseph Flahive

Ali Bonner

The influence of Lérins in the Insular world: context and transmission

Jessica Cooke

Alcuin and the Virtutes of St. Fursa

Amy Reynolds

St Tysilio and the community of Meifod church: saints' cults and identity in twelfth-century Wales

Session 19: Ystafell 7
Litríocht na Gaeilge / Modern Irish Literature

Chair: Kicki Ingridsdotter

Liam Mac Mathúna

Situating the compositions of Pádraig Phiarais Cúndún (east Co. Cork and New York State, 1777–1857) in the life writings of Irish in the pre-Revival period

Mícheál Briody

Gerard Murphy and Séamus Ó Duilearga: a symbiotic (scholarly) friendship

Katie Ní Loingsigh

An tAthair Peadar agus Eoin Mac Néill: súil eile ar an gcairdeas nár mhair

Session 20: Ystafell 8
The body and human form in medieval Irish literature

Chair: Joseph Eska

Mary Leenane

Making clothing meaningful in early Irish literature

Geraldine Parsons

‘Not of the same size nor of the same time’: giants in Fíanaigecht literature

Session 21: Ystafell 9
Welsh and Celtic linguistics

Chair: Catherine McKenna

Steve Hewitt

Welsh 'syntactic mutation' and Arabic indefinite accusative: case or configuration?

Johannes Heinecke

A syntax-treebank for Welsh, compatible with universal dependencies

Patrick Sims-Williams

The search for Celtic origins: false starts and signs of progress

Session 22: Ystafell 10
Grief, mourning, and lament in medieval Irish literature

Chair: Joanne Findon

Kristen Mills

Lament as genre / lament in genre

Mariamne M. Briggs

Speeches of mourning and consolation in the Middle Irish Thebaid

Kate Louise Mathis

The translation of grief from Statius’ Thebaid to Togail na Tebe

Session 23: Ystafell 11
Medieval legal texts and glosses

Chair: Myrzinn Boucher-Durand

Charlene Eska

Aidbred, Muirbretha, and heptad 64

Chantal Kobel

Hitherto unidentified glossed extracts in TCD MS H 3.18 (1337)

Tuesday 23 July

9:30–11am Sessions 25–36

Session 25: Ystafell 1
Dialect and standard in Irish and Gaelic

Chair: Katie Ní Loingsigh

Cassie Smith-Christmas

'Saibhreas' versus standard: resolving potential ideological tensions in Corca Dhuibhne

Feena Tóibín

Dubhghlas de hÍde, ‘Gwaelic’ agus canúint Ros Comáin

Charles Wilson

‘An t-ainnmear gun an tairbhe’: regional variation of nominal morphology in Scottish Gaelic

Session 27: Ystafell 3
Barddoniaeth y canol oesoedd: Cymru ac Iwerddon / Medieval Poetry: Wales and Ireland

Chair: Dylan Foster Evans

Bleddyn Owen Huws

Agweddau ar y corff ym marddoniaeth Gymraeg yr Oesoedd Canol Diweddar

Shannon Rose Parker

Marwnadau Madog ap Maredudd: agweddau cudd y beirdd

Simon Rodway

Golwg newydd ar addysg beirdd yng Nghymru ac Iwerddon yn yr Oesoedd Canol

Session 28: Ystafell 4
Y Gymraeg: safonau a newid / Standardisation and change in Welsh

Chair: Andrew Hawke

Dewi W. Evans

Ti a chi – a ni a nhw
Ti a chi – and them and us

Marta Listewnik

'It’s lazy but a part of everyday talk' – the acceptability of Welsh phrasal verbs among professional speakers of Welsh

Robat Trefor

Iaith Môn: y tad a’r ferch

Session 29: Ystafell 5
Gaelic and Welsh: expanding audiences and new communities

Chair: Simon Brooks

Ellen Beard

The Rob Donn Trail, the Rob Donn Songbook, and expanding the audience for Celtic scholarship

Gordon Cameron

'[F]or the language will flourish best in its own native environment': Gaelic and contemporary sustainability

Karolina Rosiak

Beliefs and ideologies of Poles in Aberystwyth concerning learning Welsh

Session 30: Ystafell 6
The Power of Words 2: narrative, ritual, and verbal power

Chair: Jacqueline Borsje

Barbara Hillers

Super Petram: the Irish fortunes of a European narrative charm

Willem de Blécourt

The power of pins

Morgan Elizabeth Moore

‘Henw a gair hwy nog arian’: wordpower and performance in medieval Welsh request poetry

Session 31: Ystafell 7
Hunaniaethau Celtaidd a Chymreig y 19g/20g / Welsh and Celtic identities in the 19C/20C

Chair: Marion Löffler

Satoko Ito-Morino

Essays on the racial origin of Britain submitted to the Welsh National Eisteddfod in the 1860s: their social context and significances

Michiko Kato

Modern scientific approaches to the populations of the Celtic regions

Angelika Heike Rüdiger

Damcaniaethau John Rhys ynghylch cynhanes Prydain: defnyddio llên gwerin fel tystiolaeth hanesyddol
John Rhŷs' theories of British pre-history : using folklore as historical evidence

Session 32: Ystafell 8
Middle Breton literature and modern interpretations

Chair: Sarah Corrigan

Sonja Schnabel

King Dioscorus's conscience: a unique concept in the Breton An buhez sante Barba

Myrzinn Boucher-Durand

Dialectal traits in the Middle Breton verse literature

Matthieu Boyd

What’s new in Ker-Is, so far this century

Session 33: Ystafell 9
'The Celt' - representations and reinventions

Chair: Richard Glyn Roberts

Allison Galbari

Samhain at the Hill of Ward?

Erick Carvalho de Mello

Celtic festivals: a cultural memory approach

Juliette Wood

The esoteric Celt: historical and contemporary perspectives on the Celtic tarot

Session 35: Ystafell 11
Medicine and healing in Irish and German texts

Chair: Nicholas John Evans

Anna Matheson

Diagnosing mental infirmity in medieval Irish legal scholia

Ulrike Roider

'Bone to bone, blood to blood': an ancient Celtic healing spell and its Indo-European parallels

Emmet Taylor

The rôle of the physician in the political authority of medieval Irish kings

Session 36: Ystafell 12
Bi-annual General Meeting of the Societas Celtologica Europaea

Chair: Karin Stüber

11:30am–1pm Sessions 37–48

Session 37: Ystafell 12
A more equal way forward for women in academia: the view from Celtic Studies

Chair: Katherine Forsyth

Contributors: Abigail Burnyeat; Liz Fitzpatrick; Jerry Hunter; Katherine Forsyth; Elva Johnston; Geraldine Parsons; others tbc

Session 38: Ystafell 2
Manuscripts and genres: Irish, Gaelic, Welsh

Chair: Emma Watkins

Myra Booth-Cockcroft

Popular European narrative and ‘native tales’ in Llyfr Coch Hergest: a consideration of manuscript context

Danielle Fatzinger

Manuscript production in Kintyre: Eoghan Mac Gilleoin and his Clan Campbell patrons (c.1690-1700)

Caitríona Ó Dochartaigh

The 'impossibilia' genre in medieval Irish poetry

Session 39: Ystafell 3
Medieval Welsh poetry

Sponsored by: CSANA

Chair: Bleddyn Owen Huws

Jenny Day

The steel claw, the ash-spear and the ‘Welsh knight’: contextualizing the lance-rest in late-medieval Welsh poetry

Jessica Hemming

Of rain & cuckoos: further explorations in englynion & Japanese traditional verse

Stefan Schumacher

The prehistory of the Book of Aneirin corpus: towards a new approach

Session 40: Ystafell 4
Celtic linguistics: Welsh and Gaelic

Chair: Helen Imhoff

Sabine Asmus

Aspect – a linguistic category in Insular Celtic? The case of Welsh

Donald Alasdair Morrison

Accent and metrical structure in Scottish Gaelic

Claire Nance

An ultrasound study of Scottish Gaelic sonorant consonants

Session 41: Ystafell 5
Hagiography and mythology

Chair: David Callander

Jennifer Bell

Here, there or nowhere: the school of St Illtud

Jeanne Mehan

Civic hagiography: shaping concepts about the Welsh saints

Patrick McCafferty

A tale of two cultures: transmigration of the soul in ancient Egyptian and medieval Irish/Welsh narrative tales

Session 42: Ystafell 6
Medieval Irish texts and transmission

Chair: Emmet Taylor

Laura McCloskey

The Influence of the Aipgitir Chrabaid on medieval Irish visual exegesis in the Book of Durrow and the Book of Kells

Jacopo Bisagni

Textual transmission between Ireland, Brittany and Francia in the Carolingian age: the computistical evidence

Sarah Corrigan

Textual transmission between Ireland, Brittany and Francia in the Carolingian age: the exegetical evidence

Session 43: Ystafell 7
Y Cyfnod Modern Cynnar / Early Modern Welsh literature and scholarship

Chair: Barry Lewis

Paul Bryant-Quinn

'Pendefig Mawrddysgedig': the life and work of Gruffydd Robert, Milan

Oliver Currie

Reassessing the hypothesis of poetic stylistic influence on the language of the sixteenth-century Welsh Bible translations

Eurig Salisbury

Huw Morys (1622–1709): golwg newydd ar farddoniaeth cyfnod 'y dirywiad'

Session 44: Ystafell 8
Medieval Irish literature

Chair: Martina Maher

Thomas Owen Clancy

The political geography of Scéla Cano meic Gartnáin

Rebecca Shercliff

Seeking revenge for the Táin

Nicholas Thyr

'Pouring out joy': welcomes and status in Fingal Rónáin

Session 45: Ystafell 9
Celticity and contested identities/ideologies

Chair: Juliette Wood

Richard Glyn Roberts

Celtic Studies from below: Celticity and the Welsh linguistic group

Simon Brooks

Celtic Studies and the Roma: crossings in the borderlands of Celtic Studies at Liverpool

Thomas Fidler and John Ault

Identity politics in the Isle of Man General Election 2016

Session 46: Ystafell 10
The politics of Welsh translation: three periods

Chair: Sioned Davies

Elena Parina

The position of translations within the Welsh literary polysystem of the sixteenth century

Marion Löffler

Translation and politics 1800–1871–1914: the historian’s tale

Angharad Price

The politics of literary translation in present-day Wales

Session 47: Ystafell 11
Law and politics: Irish, Scottish, Celtic

Chair: Barbara Hillers

Andrew Ó Donnghaile

Joint liability and enforcement in interterritorial law

Nicholas John Evans

Comparing kingdoms and the political development of Ireland and Scotland in the first millennium A.D.

Joám Evans Pim

Towards an understanding of Celtic Common Law

Session 48: Ystafell CR2
eDIL: the electronic Dictionary of the Irish Language

Chair: Charles Dillon

Sharon Arbuthnot

Content changes in eDIL 2019

Marie-Luise Theuerkauf

Using the new eDIL: a how-to guide

Máire Ní Mhaonaigh

Looking Outwards: eDIL and Irish loanwords

2:30–4pm Sessions 49–60

Session 49: Ystafell 1
Cymru'r ugeinfed ganrif a llenyddiaeth gymharol / Twentieth-century Wales and comparative literature

Chair: Gerwyn Wiliams

Catherine Elizabeth Jones

Côr Merched y Streic: Women and choral activities during The Great ‘Bethesda’ Strike (1900–1903)

Hannah Sams

‘Eu gwahaniaeth fydd eu grym’: Aled Jones Williams a Sergi Belbel

Lelyzaveta Walther

'In coal we trust': coal miners in twentieth-century Welsh and Donbassian novels

Session 50: Ystafell 2
Medieval Irish literature and manuscripts

Chair: Donald Alasdair Morrison

John Carey

The floruit of Gilla Cóemáin

Alice Taylor-Griffiths

Extraction and expansion: the Aidbriugh and Adhmad glossaries

Gregory Toner

Linguistic dating and the revision of Lebor na hUidre

Session 51: Ystafell 3
Chwedlau Cymru ac Iwerddon / Legends medieval to modern: Wales and Ireland

Chair: Eurig Salisbury

Sioned Davies

A new edition of Breuddwyd Rhonabwy

Joan Marie Gallagher

Conflicting concerns? Courtly commitments and kedymdeith in Chwedyl Iarlles y Ffynnawn

Rebecca Try

It’s Mac Cumhaill to be kind: an examination of the use of ‘pite’ in the Fenian cycle

Session 52: Ystafell 4
Semanteg a thafodieithoedd: Gwyddeleg a Chymraeg Patagonia / Semantics and dialects: Irish and Patagonian Welsh

Chair: Dewi Evans

Marina Shatunova (neé Snesareva)

Irish pausing: when dialect matters

Iwan Wyn Rees

Tafodieithoedd Cymraeg y Wladfa heddiw ac effaith Prosiect yr Iaith Gymraeg arnynt
The Patagonian dialects of Welsh today and the influence of the Welsh Language Project

Eibhlín Ní Fhallamháin

The functions of the genitive case in Irish

Session 53: Ystafell 5
Mapping Irish martyrologies: creation, composition, and manuscript copies

Chair: Mikhail Kiselev

Elva Johnston

Mapping the saints: Máel Muire Ua Gormáin and the Irish martyrological tradition

Nike Stam

Míchel Ó Cleirigh’s Commentary to the Félire: the two Brussels manuscripts

Session 55: Ystafell 7
Early Modern literature: Irish and Gaelic

Chair: Maxim Fomin

Deirdre Nic Mhathúna

From Dún Chaoin to Antarctica – the role of place in the poetry of Piaras Feiritéar (c.1600 - c.1652)

Martina Maher

Alasdair Mac Mhaighsdir Alasdair’s 'Cath Finntrágha'

Session 56: Ystafell 8
Celtic and Norse: literature, culture and society

Chair: Jason Walford Davies

Barry Lewis

Rǫgnvaldr, king of Man and the Isles, and the Welsh Charlemagne stories

Gerit Schwenzer

Cultural borders overcome?! Vikings and the Gaelic-speaking population on the Western Isles and the Isle of Man

Alasdair Whyte

Gaelic society in Argyll and the southern Hebrides in the ‘Norse Age’

Session 57: Ystafell 9
Mabinogi, Mabinogion, Celtic legend

Chair: Ceridwen Lloyd-Morgan

Emma Watkins

Calumniated storytellers: the precedent for female re-telling in the Mabinogi

Lucie Vinsova

Animal names in the Mabinogion

André Pena Graña

The three steps of the Sun and the Matres: Celtic religion and its influence on the Christian present

Session 59: Ystafell 11
Mapio a meddiannu – tirluniau’r dychymyg
Mapping and possession— landscapes and imagination

Chair: Tudur Hallam

Elan Grug Muse

Yn ‘wreiddiol Batagonaidd’: Y Cymry a’r brodorion mewn llenyddiaeth deithio Gymraeg am America Ladin
The ‘original Patagonians’ : the Welsh and native peoples in Welsh travel literature in Latin America

Llŷr Titus Hughes

‘Tyda ni’m yn bod go iawn i’r rhain, mach i’: perchnogaeth yn naratifau'r Cymry am Lydaw
‘They don’t see us as real, dear’: ownership in Welsh narratives of Brittany

G. Angharad Fychan

Y Gŵr Drwg a’i gartrefi yng Nghymru The Devil and his dwellings in Wales

Session 60: Ystafell 6
Sociolinguistics and new speakers: Breton and Gaelic

Chair: Eilidh Scammell

Fañch Bihan-Gallic

Second-language acquisition and endangered languages: a Celtic perspective

Adam Dahmer

Gaelic Mudes: language use and attitude among Scottish Gaelic undergraduate degree holders

4:30–5:10pm Plenary Lecture 2 (PL5): Dr Rióna Ní Fhrighil

Thursday 25 July

9:30–11am Sessions 61–72

Session 61: Ystafell 1
Gaelic: comparative approaches to literature and revival

Chair: Aled Llion Jones

Nathaniel Harrington

Nòtaichean a dh’ionnsaigh litreachas coimeasach Gàidhlig
Notes towards a Gaelic comparative literature

Martina Reiterová

The Czech national revival: a source of inspiration for Gaelic revivalists?

Session 62: Ystafell 2
Folk music: Gaelic

Chair: Mary Ann Kennedy

James Hind

Exploring hybridisation and Gaelic: a prolegomenon to a practice-based musical approach

Iain Howieson

From cèilidh to page ... and back again!

Session 63: Ystafell 3
Cymru'r oesoedd canol ac yn fuan wedyn / Medieval and Early Modern Wales

Chair: Dafydd Johnston

Byron Tomos Huws

Gwenllian ferch Gruffudd ap Cynan, and the significance of the battle of Cedweli

Sadie Jarrett

‘Cymro glân o waed coch cyfran’: the cymricization of a medieval English settler family in early modern Wales

Gruffydd Aled Williams

Ailystyried yr 'History of Owen Glendower'
The ‘History of Owen Glendower’: a reconsideration

Session 64: Ystafell 4
Linguistics: Middle and Old Irish

Chair: Theodorus Fransen

Oksana Dereza

Automatic dating of medieval Irish texts with cluster analysis

Ariana Malthaner

In search of dialects of Old Irish: collecting variations from the glosses

Session 65: Ystafell 5
Sociolinguistics and language shift: Irish and Gaelic

Chair: Robert Douglas Dunbar

Eileen Sorcha Áine Coughlan

Local and national identity in teenagers’ attitudes to the Irish language

Aengus Ó Fionnagáin

Language shift in the Irish midlands 1600-1950: the case of Co. Westmeath

Conchúr Ó Giollagáin

Language death revisited: a new analytical approach to data from the Gaelic languages

Session 66: Ystafell 6
Early Irish texts - religion and propaganda

Chair: Gregory Toner

Mikhail Kiselev

‘Is ferr fo-cēllamar inda сōіс dala…’: some notes on the Irish context of the Last Things

Dorothy Ann Bray

The commentary to Broccán’s Hymn, and Brigidine tradition

Mark David L. Gibbard

Senchas Airgialla in so: an edition of the 'Tale of the Three Collas'

Session 67: Ystafell 7
The Irish language in antiquarianism and poetry, 19C and 20C

Chair: Stiofán Ó Briain

Eimear Nic Conmhaic

Fréamhacha an fhile: an teanga i bhfilíocht Choilm Bhreathnaigh

Ciaran McDonough

‘A language without a mouth’: antiquarianism and the Irish language in the nineteenth century

Deirdre Nic Chárthaigh

Plé ar thraidisiún lámhscríbhinní Bodach an Chóta Lachtna

Session 68: Ystafell 8
Politics, gender and place in medieval Irish literature

Chair: Cathryn Charnell-White

Eivor Bekkhus

The other half of the story: women in medieval Irish politics

Patrick McCoy

The various uses of 'Greece' in medieval Irish literature

Tatiana Shingurova

Mog Ruith, Mog Corb and Eimhne – evidence of Fir Maige Féne and Dál Cais relations?

Session 69: Ystafell 9
Archaeology: Wales, Scotland, France

Chair: Nancy Edwards

John Collis

The Celtic archaeology of the Auvergne, central France

Raimund Karl

Meillionydd and the beginning of medieval Welsh society in c.6th cent. BC

Tiffany Treadway

Analysis of wetland deposition in Iron Age Wales and Scotland

Session 70: Ystafell 10
Early Modern Wales and Scotland

Chair: Simon Rodway

Ffion Mair Jones

'[M]y grateful countrymen ...': Thomas Pennant's Welsh connections

Anastasia Llewellyn

Saviour of the language? The rôle and impact of the Welsh Bible

Domhnall Uilleam Stiùbhart

The unknown Gaelic Dictionary: the work of the first Gaelic Society, 1767–1780

Session 71: Ystafell 11
Onomastics and lexicography: Wales and Scotland

Chair: Gerwyn Wiliams

Jacob King

Researching Scottish Gaelic place-names: The work of Ainmean-Àite na h-Alba

Andrew Breeze

'Sabrina', the name of the River Severn

Andrew Hawke

Geiriadur Prifysgol Cymru: continuity, compromise, and change

11:30am–1pm Sessions 73–84

Session 73: Ystafell 12
No more heroes: reflections on masculinity in contemporary Irish literature

Chair: Máire Ní Annracháin

Máire Ní Annracháin

Changed but not beyond recognition: fresh growth from old tropes of masculinity in contemporary Irish poetry

Stiofán Ó Briain

‘Easpa gaisce ár linne le buillí beaga á cúiteamh’ – Toxic masculinity and the loss of the heroic ideal in Beatha Dhónaill Dhuibh by Séamus Barra Ó Súilleabháin

Dean Farrell

Gendered and genderless voices: the conflicted masculine voice in the literature of Máirtín Ó Cadhain

Session 74: Ystafell 2
Bannal Frangag - A celebration of Frances Tolmie's song collection

Chair: Kenna Campbell

Contributors: Priscilla Scott, Ainsley Hamill, Mary Ann Kennedy

Session 75: Ystafell 3
Medieval Welsh poetry

Chair: Jenny Rowland

Lauran Toorians

‘Penn a borthaf…’: cephalophore by proxy

Kit Kapphahn

Genderbending bards and the political patriarchy in medieval Welsh literature

Daniel Redding-Brielmaier

Dark topographies of the mind: night and landscape in Canu Heledd

Session 76: Ystafell 4
Cornish: linguistics and pedagogy

Chair: Esther Le Mair

Samuel Brown

The usage and teaching of post-SWF Cornish

Ken George

Quantifying the development of post-tonic vowels in Cornish

Piotr Szczepankiewicz

The Cornish Standard Written Form: a discourse analysis

Session 77: Ystafell 5
Sociolinguistics: Welsh, Irish and Breton in law and education

Chair: Eileen Sorcha Áine Coughlan

Riwanon Gwenn Callac

A linguistic invisibility: Breton in healthcare

Robert Douglas Dunbar

Language law in contemporary Wales and Ireland: unexpected radicalism?

Seán Ó Conaill

Language in Celtic legal documents – cultural expression or legal meaning?

Session 78: Ystafell 6
Medieval Irish religious/astronomical texts

Chair: Kelly Fitzgerald

Phillip Bernhardt-House

Making wildmen and faking werewolves: St(s). Rónán (and Rumon) in Ireland and Brittany (and Cornwall)

Helen Elizabeth Ross

The Sun illusion in a medieval Irish astronomical tract

Henar Velasco-López

The external soul: waifs and strays in Irish tradition

Session 79: Ystafell 7
Early Modern Ireland and Scotland

Chair: Domhnall Uilleam Stiùbhart

Simon Egan

A force to be reckoned with? The Gaelic world and the making of the Early Modern ‘British’ state

Aonghas MacCoinnich

Raiders or traders? The cattle trade in Gaelic Scotland during the seventeenth century

Session 80: Ystafell 8
Medieval Irish literature and Norse influence

Chair: Ranke de Vries

Elizabeth Gray (MacKay)

Dían Cécht’s murder of Míach: medical practice and intergenerational norms

Mikael Males

Irish-Norse cultural exchange and the diagnostic value of likeness

Ina Tuomala

Pseudo-history and cultural identity: interaction and integration in Cath Maige Tuired

Session 81: Ystafell 9
Enclaves of anglicisation? Reassessing the cultural identities of country houses in Ireland, Scotland and Wales

Chair: Meinir Olwen Williams

Annie Tindley

Bastions of anglicisation or protectors of the nation? The Scottish country house and cultural, linguistic and national identities from 1746

Ian d’Alton

‘Receptacle of illusion’: was the Irish country house alien or native?

Shaun Evans

Identifying the Welsh in the country houses of Wales

Session 82: Ystafell 10
Irish linguistics and lexicography

Chair: Llion Pryderi Roberts

Liam Mac Amhlaigh

An examination of Irish-language terminography in the twentieth century

Charles Dillon

Corpas Stairiúil na Gaeilge 1600-1926: a new resource for research in Modern Irish

Theodorus Fransen

Parsing the Old Irish verb: computational challenges and future applications

Session 83: Ystafell 1
Vitae Sanctorum Cambriae: Welsh saints on the road

Chair: Jenny Day

David Callander

Testunau Cymraeg mewn antholeg dairieithog: Yale, Llyfrgell Beinecke, Osborn fb229

Paul Russell

The after-life of Melangell/Monacella

David Parsons

The limits of llan: the Anglo-Saxons and the saints of the early Welsh Church

2:30–4pm Sessions 85–96

Session 85: Ystafell 1
Llenyddiaeth yr ugeinfed ganrif

Chair: Llŷr Titus Hughes

Elis Dafydd

John Rowlands, Arch ym Mhrâg

Lowri Havard

Gwyn Thomas: y cysur a gynnig yng nglyn cysgod angau

Session 86: Ystafell 2
Irish folklore and storytelling

Chair: Henar Velasco-López

Gregory R. Darwin

'Ná cain a thuilleadh mé': Peig’s Mermaid

Kelly Fitzgerald

The parish priest, curate and friar; form and function in Irish folk narratives

Laoighseach Ní Choistealbha

Gender, disability, and infanticide: changelings in Irish storytelling

Session 87: Ystafell 3
Cerddi Dafydd ap Gwilym / The poetry of Dafydd ap Gwilym

Chair: Gruffydd Aled Williams

Nicolas Jacobs

Amrywiadau testunol mewn traddodiad llafar: astudiaeth o destun 'Marwnad Angharad'

Dafydd Johnston

‘Fy nyn bychanigyn bach’: ieithwedd fachigol Dafydd ap Gwilym

Jenny Rowland

'The Little Hunchback?'

Session 88: Ystafell 4
Linguistics: Celtic and Irish

Chair: Helen Elizabeth Ross

A.J. Hughes

A fresh look at ‘son’ and ‘daughter’ in Insular and Continental Celtic

Tatiana Smirnova

Irish constructions with téigh i 'go in'

Leo Yamada

Irish: an attempt at morpheme analysis

Session 89: Ystafell 5

Session 90: Ystafell 6
Hagiography and ecclesiastical history

Chair: David Parsons

Jane Cartwright

Buchedd Gwenfrewy: the Life of St Winefride in NLW MSS Peniarth 27ii and Llanstephan 34

Patrick McAlary

A curious omission: Bede and the Constitution of Lindisfarne

Polina Sedova

Milk symbolism in Bethu Brigte

Session 91: Ystafell 12
Re-reading the revolution: writing and researching a multilingual history of Britain and Ireland, 1630-60

Chair: Catherine McKenna

Contributors: Jerry Hunter; Brendan Kane; Aonghas MacCoinnich; Síle Ní Mhurchú; Geraldine Parsons

Session 92: Ystafell 8
Early medieval Irish

Chair: Daniel Watson

Alderik Blom

The ‘Old Irish Treatise on the Psalter’: towards a new edition

Nicolai Egjar Engesland

The Auraicept na nÉces and Carolingian alphabet compendia

Daniel Frederick Melia

Prosper of Aquitaine and the Irish annalists (again)

Session 93: Ystafell 9
'Celtic': archaeology, linguistics, genetics

Chair: Angharad Price

John Koch

Celtic origins reconsidered in the light of the ‘archaeogenetics revolution’

Garret Olmsted

The Chiemsee cauldron: a brief announcement

Caoimhín P. Ó Donnaíle

Bunadas - an online network database of cognates in Celtic and other languages

Session 94: Ystafell 10
Translation in medieval Wales

Chair: Ann Parry Owen

Luciana Cordo Russo

Translational procedures in Rhamant Otuel

Erich Poppe

Beyond ‘word-for-word’: Gruffudd Bola (c.1270/80) and Robert Gwyn (c.1583/84) on translating into Welsh

Raphael Sackmann

Translational strategies in Perl mewn adfyd (1595)

Session 95: Ystafell 11
Medieval Irish law and history

Chair: Elizabeth Boyle

Riona Doolan

Where are you from? Status and origin as a marker for fines in late medieval legal material

Annie C. Humphrey

Danair and Lochlannaigh in Irish semi-historical literature c.1100

Kathryn O'Neill

‘Essentially a chronicle of North Connacht’: a reassessment of the Cottonian Annals

4:30–5:10pm Plenary Lecture 3 (PL5): Professor Juan-Luis García-Alonso

Friday 26 July

9:30–11am Sessions 97–108

Session 98: Ystafell 2
Folk music: the Welsh harp, and J. Glyn Davies

Chair: Rhiannon Marks

Kathryn Hockenbury

The influence of the modern pedal harp on the Welsh triple harp in the nineteenth century

Stephen Rees

‘Welsh Songcraft’: the songs of J. Glyn Davies (1870–1953) and the Welsh folk tradition

Session 99: Ystafell 3
Barddoniaeth Gymraeg ganoloesol / Medieval Welsh poetry

Sponsored by: CSANA

Chair: Cathryn Charnell-White

Joseph Shack

Constructing enigma in Early Welsh gnomic poetry

Catherine McKenna

Productive ambiguity in the Poetry of the Princes

Ann Parry Owen

Ar drywydd y tawddgyrch cadwynog, tour de force y beirdd
In pursuit of the tawddgyrch cadwynog, the poets’ tour de force

Session 100: Ystafell 4
Celtic linguistics, with continental relevance

Chair: Holly Kennard

Hervé Le Bihan

Expression du neutre et syntaxe des mutations en breton moyen et moderne

Peter Schrijver

The etymology of Welsh pridd and the language of the earliest Frisians

Oleg Zotov

Woods, wildlands and fences: the development of borderland terms in Celtic, Baltic and Slavic languages

Session 101: Ystafell 5
Y Gymraeg: gwahaniaethau daearyddol ac arferion dysgwyr / Welsh: geographical variances and learners' habits

Chair: Iwan Wyn Rees

Deborah Arbes

Patterns of pluralization in northern, southern and Patagonian Welsh

Meinir Olwen Williams

Astudiaeth o ynganiad llafariad unsain Cymraeg gogleddol gan oedolion sy’n dysgu'r iaith

Session 102: Ystafell 6
Hagiography and devotion: Wales, Ireland, Scotland

Chair: Joey McMullen

Judith Bishop

Noeb Filia: comparative contextualized sanctity in the Brigidine corpus

Martin Crampin

Celtic saints by Celtic Studios: saints in stained glass

Kathleen Reddy

Bantighearna nan Eilean: Cràbhadh don Òigh Mhoire anns na h-Eileanan Siar mu dheas anns an fhicheadamh linn
Our Lady of the Isles: Marian devotion in the Southern Hebrides in the twentieth century

Session 103: Ystafell 7
Reading Early Modern Irish: a practical workshop

Sponsored by: CSANA

Chair: Andrea Palandri

Contributors: Gregory Darwin, Wes Hamrick, Brendan Kane, Síle Ní Mhurchú, Deirdre Nic Chárthaigh

Session 104: Ystafell 8
Birth-tales, death-tales and the Táin

Chair: Jane Cartwright

Anna Pagé

Conchobar's birth: revisiting the texts

Abigail Burnyeat

Violence, rhetoric and emotion in Táin Bó Cuailnge’s Breslech Mór Maige Muirthemne

Anouk Nuijten

Aspects of an anthology of death-tales: two aideda from Edinburgh, NLS, Advocates Library MS 72.1.40

Session 105: Ystafell 9
Performing the past in medieval Wales

Sponsored by: Grŵp Ymchwil y Croniclau Cymreig

Chair: Georgia Henley

Rebecca Thomas

Nid yw Cymru’n bod namyn fel rhan o … Loegr?: Asser a Hanes Cymru

Owain Wyn Jones

Ystrad Fflur a’r Arglwydd Rhys: cofnodi’r presennol yn y Deheubarth

Ben Guy

Looking back from the twelfth century: Madog ap Maredudd, Cynddelw Brydydd Mawr, and the recreation of early medieval Powys

Session 106: Ystafell 12
A roundtable discussion to promote a strategic vision for Celtic language technologies

Chair: Delyth Prys

Contributors: Teresa Lynn; Caoimhín O Donnaile; Kevin Scannell; Colin Batchelor; ac eraill/and others

Session 107: Ystafell 11
Reading places and landscapes of power and commemoration in Ireland and Scotland

Chair: Greg Toner

Contributors: Elizabeth FitzPatrick; Sofia Evemalm; Sarah Kuenzler

11:30am–1pm Sessions 109–120

Session 109: Ystafell 1
Barddoniaeth ddiweddar o Gymru / Recent Welsh poetry

Chair: Elis Dafydd

Non Mererid Jones

‘Ydych chi wedi colli rhywbeth – dan yr eira?’: T. James Jones a’r ymgyrch i adfer Cymreictod Dylan Thomas

Rhiannon Marks

Angau ar ymweliad: Mihangel Morgan, T. H. Parry-Williams a rhyngdestunoldeb

Llion Pryderi Roberts

Bywyd y bardd: y persona barddol mewn testunau cofiannol cyfoes

Session 110: Ystafell 2
The reception and influence of Orosius in medieval Ireland

Chair: Patrick Wadden

Cameron Wachowich

Orosius Hibernicus: Notes on the transmission of the Historiae adversus Paganos in a Hiberno-Latin context

Daniel Watson

Orosius, divine punishment by thunderbolt and early Irish literature

Elizabeth Boyle

Orosian historiography and the city of Babylon in Middle Irish poetry

Session 111: Ystafell 3
In search of North Atlantic Gaels

Chair: Dylan Foster Evans

Jonathan M. Wooding

Historiographies of early medieval Irish settlement in Iceland

Kristján Ahronson

A multi-disciplinary approach to the problem of Iceland’s medieval caves

Tobias Heron

Do you want payment in iron or salt? The economic basis of societal development in the European Iron Age

Session 112: Ystafell 4
Irish and Gaelic literature, between Early Modern and Modern

Chair: Patrick McCoy

Andrea Palandri

The Early Modern Irish versions of Pseudo Turpin’s Historia Karoli Magni

Duane Long

The Loathly Lady and Bruidheann aspects of Laoi na Mná Móire

Conal Mac Seáin

'Beatha Chríost': an Ulster poem on the life of Christ

Session 113: Ystafell 5
Sociolinguistics: Breton

Chair: Herve Le Bihan

Holly Kennard

Lenition and spirantisation in Breton: variability in mutation patterns across age-groups

Erwan Le Pipec

Language-maintenance or language-reshaping? What are the language skills in a Breton-French bilingual class?

Jean-François Mondon

Breton masculine animate plurals: locality, and readjustment rules

Session 114: Ystafell 6
The Power of Words 3: narrative, ritual, and verbal power

Chair: Barbara Hillers

Tatyana Mikhailova

Klosterneuburg lorica: lonely wanderers, wanton women, and words of power

Jacqueline Borsje

Nightmare-creatures: narrative motifs and verbal-power rituals

Bernhard Maier

'The World of the Wise Man' revisited: Kate Bosse-Griffiths's Byd y Dyn Hysbys and recent research on magic in social anthropology and comparative religious studies

Session 115: Ystafell 7
Women's poetry in Ireland, Scotland and Wales 1400–1800

Chair: Jane Cartwright

Wes Hamrick

Grief and grievance in eighteenth-century Irish elegy

Cathryn Charnell-White

'Dan y niwl rwy’n dwyn y nych': elegy by Welsh women poets

Session 116: Ystafell 8
Medieval Irish literature and the Church

Chair: Dorothy Bray

Darcy Ireland

The role of lebedán in Togail Bruidne Dá Derga

Viktoriia Krivoshchekova

Bishops, high priests, and the vocabulary of episcopal authority in the early Irish Church

Brid Eimear Williams

De shil Chonairi Moir: an allegorical tract

Session 117: Ystafell 9
Death, burial and exhibition

Chair: Katherine Leach

Ciara O'Brien Butler

Identifying kin groups in Early Medieval Welsh cemeteries

Brigid Ehrmantraut

Of mice and mounds: tumuli in the medieval Welsh literary imagination

Veronika Gufler

Human remains in museums: visitor interaction with ‘sensitive collections’

Session 118: Ystafell 10
Love and wonder: Gaelic across languages

Chair: Courtney Selvage

Robbie MacLeod

Love in Old Gaelic texts

Mark Ó Fionnáin

Irish and Scottish Gaelic as presented in Peter Simon Pallas’ Сравнительные Словари

Alan Titley

Alice in Wonderland in three Irish/Gaelic Languages

Session 119: Ystafell 12
New work on medicine and medical texts in the Celtic languages (I)

Chair: Deborah Hayden

Eystein Thanisch

Medicine as philosophy: The Beaton medical manuscripts

Ranke de Vries

Medical material in early Irish literary sources

Siobhán Barrett

Remedies for disorders of the ear in a medieval Irish medical compendium

2:30–4pm Sessions 121–132

Session 121: Ystafell 1
Hunan(iaeth) a chof yng Nghymru'r canoloesoedd a'r cyfnod modern cynnar / Self and memory in medieval and early modern Wales

Chair: Huw Pryce

Thomas Lee Davies

The Welsh princes of Glamorgan and Gwent: exploring cross-cultural integration in medieval south east Wales

Dewi Alter

Cof rhanbarthol a thwf y Methodistiaid Calfinaidd
Regional memory and the rise of Calvinistic Methodism in Wales

Britta Irslinger

The functions of Welsh X hun(an) in sixteenth- and seventeenth-century texts

Session 122: Ystafell 2
Manuscripts and collectors on the medieval March of Wales

Chair: Geraint Evans

James Clark

The book culture of the Cistercians on the March of Wales

Helen Fulton

Texts and politics in fifteenth-century Marcher manuscripts

Dylan Foster Evans

Hiwmor a hunaniaeth yn Llyfr Cyffredin Syr Siôn Prys

Session 123: Ystafell 3
Sex, desire and marriage: medieval Irish

Chair: Micheál Briody

Doris Edel

Sexual relations in the Acallam na Senórach: from casual flirts to church-approved marriages

Joanne Findon

What she wants: female desire and agency in Táin Bó Froích and Aislinge Óenguso

Natasha Sumner

[A] dhiongmhála do mhnaoi agus do bhainchéile: nuptial negotiations in Tóruigheacht Dhiarmada agus Ghráinne

Session 125: Ystafell 5
The Celts and their neighbours in the Middle Ages

Sponsored by: CSANA

Chair: Michaela Jacques

Georgia Henley

The Welsh past in the Romance of Fouke le Fitz Waryn

Joshua Byron Smith

Bede’s Books in Kadeir Kerrituen

Patrick Wadden

Law and identity in Araile felmac féig don Mumain

Session 126: Ystafell 6
Myrddin, Lailoken, wild man/god

Sponsored by: Canolfan Astudiaethau Arthuraidd Prifysgol Bangor
Bangor University Centre for Arthurian Studies

Chair: Brigid Ehrmantraut

Brian Frykenberg

Perspectives on the legends of Lailoken

Gilles Boucherit

Wild man – king god

Harald Gropp

Easter dates now and then: from 2019 back to Bangor in the sixth century

Session 127: Ystafell 7
Beddau, englynion ac arysgrifau, Cymru, Iwerddon a Nova Scotia / Murder, graves and inscriptions: Wales, Nova Scotia, Ireland

Chair: Non Mererid Jones

Michael Linkletter and Laurie Stanley-Blackwell

Gaelic and the grave: murder in nineteenth-century Nova Scotia

Guto Rhys

Yr englyn bedd, 1570-2018

Nora White

Ogham: the present state of research and future directions

Session 128: Ystafell 8
Medieval Irish literature

Chair: Patrick McCafferty

Brianna Daigneault

Reception of Isidore’s Etymologies in Early Medieval Ireland

Joey McMullen

Landscape as spiritual state in early Irish 'Nature Poetry'

Kevin Murray

The reworking of traditional materials on the dinnṡenchas corpus

Session 131: Ystafell 11
New work on medicine and medical texts in the Celtic languages (II)

Chair: Ranke de Vries

Diana Luft

The flesh that consumes: medieval Welsh treatments for gangrene

Katherine Leach

The in principio as a charm text in late medieval Wales

Deborah Hayden

A survey of charms in a sixteenth-century Irish medical compendium

4:30–5:10pm Plenary Lecture 4 (PL5): Dr Siwan Rosser

5:10–5:50pm Plenary Lecture 5 (PL5): Dr Katherine Forsyth

5:50pm Closing Ceremony